Your Radio should customizable, Learn your radio before you come, if you are not able to our marshals will be able to help you out

Radio Frequencies that EO uses are as follows

Channel 1—————- 462.5625
Channel 2—————- 462.5875
Channel 3—————- 462.6125
Channel 4—————- 462.6375
Channel 5—————- 462.6625
Channel 6—————- 462.6875
Channel 7—————- 462.7125
Channel 8—————- 467.5625
Channel 9—————- 467.5875
Channel 10————— 467.6125
Channel 11————— 467.6375
Channel 12————— 467.6625
Channel 13————— 467.6875
Channel 14————— 467.7125

Step 1 – Alter your step functions to 12.5 else you might not get the last 5 digits in progression.

Step 2 – Get into the manual frequency mode

Step 3- Start by manually inputting the first frequency as 462.500

Step 4 – Rotate your channel progression dial until you reach 462.5625 (you will notice the 5 is mentioned as a small character at the end.

Step 5 – Save the channel as per your instructions of you radio manufacturer

Step 6 – Show -up for the drive after registering to have fun.

How to register for the drive